Author: Matthew

  • Icefall reviewed

    I wanted to share some reviews for Icefall that have been popping up, but first, Jessica interviewed me over at Cracking the Cover. She asked some great questions, so click on over to check it out. She also reviewed Icefall, calling it “one of the best middle-reader books of the year.” Thanks, Jessica. The next…

  • Icefall Book Launch – Now with more Vikings!

    Last Wednesday, The King’s English Bookshop hosted the launch event for Icefall, and it was awesome. Through a co-worker, I was able to get in touch with some members of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). I asked them if they might have some Vikings who would be willing to come to the launch and…

  • Icefall signing events

    First, a big thank you to everyone who came out last night for the launch of Icefall. I thought it went really well, especially the armed combat. Yes, there were Vikings there, among other warriors, and they fought valiantly. I’ll do a post with pictures and maybe some video soon, but in the meantime I…

  • Come to the Icefall launch party!

    Just a reminder that next week I’ll be at The King’s English celebrating the launch of Icefall. All are welcome! I’ll be speaking a bit about the story, reading from it, and then signing books. And I’m trying to see if I can get some Vikings there. We shall see. For more details, click here.…

  • A very talented young composer.

    I recently received an amazing email from a young reader named Alessandro, who is 11 years old, a violinist, and a composer. He shared with me a video, the premiere of a quartet he wrote for flute, clarinet, cello, and viola. The piece is called “The Clockmaker, the Hotel Maid, and the Italian Violinist.” From…

  • Music of Icefall

    In anticipation of the release of my next novel, Icefall, I thought I would share some of the music from which I drew inspiration while writing it. Like a lot of authors, I have a few tricks I use to help me enter into the world of the story I’m telling, and music plays a…

  • One month away!

    I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this, since I mention it to everyone these days, but I am under deadline. And being under deadline, I have learned that deadlines are an effective way to time-travel. As they approach, time speeds up, bringing them rapidly closer, and before you know it you’re in the future and they’re…

  • 2011 SCBWI Annual Summer Conference

    Earlier this month I went to the annual summer conference of the SCBWI, and I had a wonderful time. It’s always great to catch up with old friends, some of whom I only see once a year at the conference. Lin Oliver and Steve Mooser pulled out all the stops this year in celebration of…

  • Final Icefall Cover Revealed

    Here it is! Earlier versions have been out there floating around for a while on Goodreads, and Amazon, and some other places, but this is the final, official cover for my new middle grade novel, Icefall.  Release date, October 1st, which is just around the corner. What do you think? Pre-order the book: Indiebound|B&N|Amazon

  • Where did July go?

    I knew it had been a while since I posted anything new to the blog, but I was honestly surprised to see that it’s been almost a month since my last entry.  That was followed quickly by the surprise that the month of July is nearly over.  I don’t know where it went.  But the…