What’s in a name… or a middle initial?

My name is not uncommon.  There are, in fact, several men out there who share my first and last name.  A simple google search (is there anyone left who has not googled themselves at least once?) reveals that Matthew Kirby designed the game Apples to Apples.  Matthew Kirby is an Anglican priest.  And there are actually a few Matthew Kirby’s who are writers.  Like me.

It is to avoid confusion with the latter that I have decided to use my middle initial.  As an author, from now on I will be Matthew J. Kirby.

I’ve set up a new blog at matthewjkirby.com.  It’s pretty much the same as the old one, although I’m still restoring all the links and such, and a few of the most recent comments got lost in the move.  Sorry.  When I get my website up, hopefully within a week or so, it will also be at the new address.

I’m going to keep matthewkirby.com and set up a redirect from the old blog, but you may still want to update your bookmarks.  And if you subscribe to posts via RSS, you may need to re-subscribe at the new web address.

Sorry for any confusion, but in the end I think it’s a good thing.  And I’m glad my publisher and I settled on it now, before my first book is out.  That way, I’ll be Matthew J. Kirby from the beginning.


8 responses to “What’s in a name… or a middle initial?”

  1. Matt(hew), Just ran across your blog while searching for myself. My middle name is Joseph. Just wanted to say hello.

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