Category: Assassin’s Creed

  • WARNING: This Post Contains My High School Art

    My, my, my. It has been a long time since I posted anything here, which is how I think 99.89 percent of blog entries begin nowadays. But on a whim I think I’ll post something today. I’ve been feeling the urge to draw lately. Well, I’ve been feeling it for the past couple of years,…

  • Last Descendants giveaway!

    I’ve got a couple of signings coming up this Saturday, and I thought it might be cool to make them part of a giveaway. So come by either bookstore, say hi, and enter yourself for a chance to win an advance reader copy of Last Descendants, my Assassin’s Creed novel coming out this fall. Both events are…

  • Assassin’s Creed!

    So, the word is out now, and I can finally talk about something I’ve been up to since last year. I’ll be writing an original YA Assassin’s Creed series, which is incredible, and to help me out with everyone’s questions, I’ve asked the made-of-straw, ever-inquisitive FAQman to join us. Hey, FAQman! Hey. Listen, I’ve got…