I have in my hands a new book that I wrote. The real thing, and it’s gorgeous. I think this is my 6th book to be published, which kind of blows me away when I stop to think about it, and so far, the thrill of holding a new book that I’ve written hasn’t diminished at all. Every book is its own thing, with its own creative challenges and rewards, so to hold each in its final form brings its own unique thrill. I hope people like this one. As I seem to say with all my books, I’m trying something new, stepping into uncharted story territory. I’m actually working on the sequel at the moment, and I can’t wait for you all to see where the story goes. But I’m getting ahead of myself. THIS book comes out later in the month, and I’ll be having a book launch party at The King’s English, my favorite independent bookstore in the world. Please join me.
What: a book launch party for The Arctic Code, Book 1 in The Dark Gravity Sequence
When: April 28th, 2015, at 7 PM
Where: The King’s English Bookshop, located at 1511 South 1500 East in Salt Lake City
3 responses to “The Arctic Code Book Launch!”
Mr. Kirby: I am writing this on behalf of my 11 year old grandson. He has read probably 100’s of books in his young life, and I can tell you that he found Quantum League to be the best. He even had me read it to him and his brother a second time as their nighttime book. He has been waiting for the next book about the Quantum League and I hope you can tell us that it is in the works. Thank you. And I hope someday you are in the San Francisco Bay Area so we can come and meet you in person. Kind regards, Margaret Smith
Hi Margaret! Thanks for your comment. I’m so happy your grandson enjoyed it. I’m not sure when the sequel will come out – that’s still in the publisher’s hands. But in the meantime, I have a new series that started up with a different publisher. The first book is called The Arctic Code. Perhaps he would enjoy that while he waits. And I hope to come back to the Bay area again soon. I was there on tour in 2013, and I loved it.
Hi Matthew,
I’m writing to say that I loved the first Quantum League book, I was just wondering if you have the release date for the next one?