Category: Writing

  • Once Was Lost book launch, and Carl Sagan

    On Thursday I attended the book launch for Sara Zarr’s new novel Once Was Lost.  It was a wonderful event, with a reading and a Q&A, and beautiful cookies and a birthday cake.  Afterward, some of us went out to eat and had a really nice time. I was going to do a write-up on…

  • Writing for Charity

    A little while ago, I posted about the Writing for Charity Event at the Treehouse Children’s Museum in Ogden, Utah.  I was invited to take part in the workshop as a debut author, and I think I was the “newest” writer at the event.  It also happened to be my first time participating in something…

  • What's in a name?

    After much brainstorming, emailing, considering, and discarding, my book officially has a title.  All the necessary people have signed off on it, so I can tell you here.  My debut novel is called: The Clockwork Three I really like it.  The challenge was coming up with something that worked for the whole book.  I came…

  • SCBWI 2009

    Over the weekend, I was in LA for the annual summer conference of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and can I just say that I had an absolute blast!  Seriously, I love writers.  And I believe that as solitary an activity as writing is, writers need other writers.  We learn from each…

  • "The Wilderness of Childhood"

    I really enjoyed this essay by Michael Chabon.  I mean, I love his fiction (and you may remember that The Yiddish Policemen’s Union was one of my favorite books that I read last year) but he’s a great essayist as well.  I plan to read the collection from which this essay comes when it’s released…

  • A book update, sort of, and a funny video just for the heck of it.

    But the book news is more of a tease than a real update.  My editor sent me the “concept” that they’re working on for my book cover (awesome!) as well as the artist they’d like to work with.  They don’t know yet if he’ll be available when they need him, but I really hope he…

  • Who Can Write?

    A little while ago, a friend of mine emailed me with this question about  the ability to write stories: Don’t you think one is born with it, or not born with it?  It probably wouldn’t appear magically at the age of 45, right? I actually think the capacity to tell stories is there in everybody. …

  • 10ers

    As an author with a debut novel coming out in 2010, I’m now a member of the 10ers, a group of authors who also each have a debut novel coming out in 2010.  Stop by and take a look at their bios and books.  I’m in really good company.  Here’s my bio from their site,…

  • I'm published

    I have sold my first book.  Scholastic plans to publish it in the Fall of 2010.  I’m still walking around as though I’ve stumbled into some alternate reality, where everything looks the same, but at the same time kind of doesn’t. So, a little background on the deal. Back in January, I posted about signing…

  • The wait is over…

    Because I heard back from my agent, Stephen Fraser. Before I go into his response to my manuscript, I should say that although I referred to him as “my” agent in the last post, we hadn’t yet signed a contract.  Prior to today, we had a gentlemen’s agreement.  He anticipated representing me, and I anticipated…